'Brandstreaming'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.08.06 Social Media Newsroom

I'm doing a mockup this concepts.

What is a Social Media Newsroom?

Social Media Newsroom

Here are the main elements of a SMNR:

  • A section offering links or pdfs to major media coverage.
  • A section listing links to traditional or Social Media Press Releases.
  • Sections for events and other industry-specific sections - like a book review section for authors.
  • A multimedia section containing downloadable items such as logos, book cover art, pdf documents like press kits or sales sheets, podcasts, vidcasts, book trailers, downloadable promotional material, etc.
  • Bios on each key person in the company, along with links to their social or business networking profiles like LinkedIn, Myspace, Second Life, etc.
  • Purpose-built del.icio.us pages.
  • RSS feeds that allow subscriptions to different sections of the room, like media coverage, news releases - or to the entire room.
  • A way for readers to share the content of the site, via email or by posting to social bookmarking indexes like del.icio.us or Digg.
  • Instant message indicators for key media contacts using AIM, Yahoo Messaging, MSN, Skype, etc.
  • Ability to search the site or the Web using either Google or Technorati.
  • Links to other blogs or Web sites that are relevant to your message.
  • Technorati tag clouds.

also : Brandstreaming: What Is It & Who's Doing It? - ReadWriteWeb

Posted by 이장