[img]"http://www.emarketer.com/images/chart_gifs/044001-045000/044434.gif" border="0"[/img]
Search engine Google’s global usage share has reached an all-time high, according to the latest data released by OneStat.com. The findings indicate that Google is still the leading search engine with a global usage share of 55.1%, up 1.9% on two months ago.
The second most popular search website is Yahoo with a global usage share of 20.6%, up 0.2% on August.
MSN Search increased its market share by 0.3% over the same period to 9.4 percent. AOL Search also saw a rise in market share to 3.5%.
The seven largest search engines on the web are:
1. Google 55.1% +1.9%
2. Yahoo 20.6% +0.2
3. MSN Search 9.4% +0.3
4. AOL Search 3.5% +0.6%
5. Terra Lycos 3.0% -0.7%
6. Altavista 2.4% -0.4%
7. Ixquick 1.7% -0.5%
Search engine Google’s global usage share has reached an all-time high, according to the latest data released by OneStat.com. The findings indicate that Google is still the leading search engine with a global usage share of 55.1%, up 1.9% on two months ago.
The second most popular search website is Yahoo with a global usage share of 20.6%, up 0.2% on August.
MSN Search increased its market share by 0.3% over the same period to 9.4 percent. AOL Search also saw a rise in market share to 3.5%.
The seven largest search engines on the web are:
1. Google 55.1% +1.9%
2. Yahoo 20.6% +0.2
3. MSN Search 9.4% +0.3
4. AOL Search 3.5% +0.6%
5. Terra Lycos 3.0% -0.7%
6. Altavista 2.4% -0.4%
7. Ixquick 1.7% -0.5%