'digg.com'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.10.20 Getting global with Digg's Kevin Rose 1
Digg.com 이 2009년 해외로 눈을 돌릴 생각이라고 합니다.
관련해서 인터뷰 기사가 올라왔는데, 만약 한국에는 혹시 비슷한 사이트가 있나 하고 머리속에 잠깐

via : Getting global with Digg's Kevin Rose, part 2

So talk about internationalization. It's coming late next year. As a bit of a hint, are there any countries where Digg is extremely popular and a language translation might make sense?
Rose: Well, London is our largest city overall. But outside of that, as far as different languages are concerned, there is demand from certain users coming in and writing to us, but we see a lot of Digg-type clone sites, and those are the ones that we kind of keep tabs on. So we say, OK, where are our competitors and how are they doing? There's a Spanish version of Digg, there's a German version of Digg that's called Yigg or something like that.

And they're unofficial, or do they use your API or anything like that?
Rose: They're unofficial. They do their own thing. And then there's also a Digg in Japan that has some traction as well. So we look at this stuff and we say, OK, what do we do? Do we open up a version of Digg out there? Do we acquire these companies? It's all stuff that we talk about and I think that where you'll see this expand first is a combination of both requests from users and where our competitors are starting to take off.

So you might acquire a smaller competitor?
Rose: Sure, potentially.

Posted by 이장