'openajax'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2007.03.23 Introducing Ajax and OpenAjax 1
Introducing Ajax and OpenAjax


1 What is Ajax?
1.1 The continued evolution of HTML
1.2 Dynamic and continuous user experience
1.2.1 HTML click, wait, refresh
1.2.2 Ajax-powered user experience
1.3 Desktop-like user interfaces
1.4 Network programming
1.5 Synergy with SOA
1.6 Evolving over time

2 What is OpenAjax?
2.1 OpenAjax Alliance: mission and objectives
2.2 How OpenAjax Alliance is organized
2.2.1 Steering Committee
2.2.2 Interoperability and Marketing Committees
2.2.3 Task Forces
2.3 Specifications and open source
2.4 OpenAjax Conformance
2.5 OpenAjax Hub
2.6 OpenAjax Registry
2.7 OpenAjax Best Practices
2.8 Marketing and communication
2.9 Ecosystem leadership and Ajax's future
Posted by 이장