'social media'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.12.29 Social Media Predictions 2009 중에서

2009년을 전망하는 견해들 중에서 개인적으로 코드가 맞는 내용
Moving beyond OpenID, we'll have a sliced profile for social networks that will carry both our full profile plus the ability to break out specific segments for specific sites. I might not share my passion for beer on my church network, and I might not want to bring religion to my business social network.

There will be some kind of "one ring" profile that will allow data pass through to the various places that use it. The reason this hasn't happened is that each company wants to own the database on the back end. Someone's going to win in 2009.

전체 내용은 아래 링크에서
Social Media Predictions 2009 [PDF].
Posted by 이장