싸이월드의 '드'에 찍힌 점은 훈민정음 사용 체계에서 '방점'으로 국어의 성조(聲調:높낮이, 길이)를 표현한 것입니다. 글자옆에 점을 찍으면 거성(去聲)으로 가장 높은 소리를 나타내는 것
그러나 싸이월드를 실제 소리내어 읽으면 드는 가장 빨리 끝나고 닫는 소리인 '입성'으로 쓰여야 하지만, 그래픽적인 효과와 싸이월드를 강조하기 위하여 끝 단어인 드를 거성으로 표현
The prime reason the Google home page is so bare is due to the fact that the founders didn't know HTML and just wanted a quick interface. Infact it was noted that the submit button was a long time coming and hitting the RETURN key was the only way to burst Google into life.
Due to the sparseness of the homepage, in early user tests they noted people just sitting looking at the screen. After a minute of nothingness, the tester intervened and asked 'Whats up?' to which they replied "We are waiting for the rest of it". To solve that particular problem the Google Copyright message was inserted to act as a crude end of page marker.
One of the biggest leap in search usage came about when they introduced their much improved spell checker giving birth to the "Did you mean..." feature. This instantly doubled their traffic, but they had some interesting discussions on how best to place that information, as most people simply tuned that out. But they discovered the placement at the bottom of the results was the most effective area.
The infamous "I feel lucky" is nearly never used. However, in trials it was found that removing it would somehow reduce the Google experience. Users wanted it kept. It was a comfort button.
Orkut is very popular in Brazil. Orkut was the brainchild of a very intelligent Google engineer who was pretty much given free reign to run with it, without having to go through the normal Google UI procedures, hence the reason it doesn't look or feel like a Google application. They are looking at improving Orkut to cope with the loads it places on the system.
Google makes changes small-and-often. They will sometimes trial a particular feature with a set of users from a given network subnet; for example Excite@Home users often get to see new features. They aren't told of this, just presented with the new UI and observed how they use it.
Google has the largest network of translators in the world
They use the 20% / 5% rules. If at least 20% of people use a feature, then it will be included. At least 5% of people need to use a particular search preference before it will make it into the 'Advanced Preferences'.
They have found in user testing, that a small number of people are very typical of the larger user base. They run labs continually and always monitoring how people use a page of results.
The name 'Google' was an accident. A spelling mistake made by the original founders who thought they were going for 'Googol'
Gmail was used internally for nearly 2years prior to launch to the public. They discovered there was approximately 6 types of email users, and Gmail has been designed to accommodate these 6.
They listen to feedback actively. Emailing Google isn't emailing a blackhole.
Employees are encouraged to use 20% of their time working on their own projects. Google News, Orkut are both examples of projects that grew from this working model.
This wasn't a technical talk so no information regarding any infrastructure was presented however they did note that they have a mantra of aiming to give back each page with in 500ms, rendered.
Quote: Give Users What They Want When They Want It
orkut.com is now available in 10 new languages: French, Italian, German, Spanish, Traditional & Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Dutch and Russian.
orkut.com 웹페이지를 다양한 언어로 볼 수 있도록 되었습니다.
첫 페이지 접속하자 마자 한글 메인페이지가 보이고 개인의 환경설정
페이지에서 언어 설정을 변경하시면 한글로 orkut.com를 이용하실
수 있습니다.
구글 개인화 페이지에 http://www.google.com/ig rss feed 를 추가
할 수 있는 기능이 새롭게 생겼습니다.
몇 개의 블로그를 테스트 해 본 결과 한글의 문제 없이 잘 구독이
되는것 같은데 많은 수의 블로그를 구독하는 분들에게는 약간의
불편함이 있을 것 같고, opml 지원없이 하나 하나 새롭게 추가해야
하는 불편함도 있습니다. 정보를 간추려서 잘 꾸려 놓는다면 좋은 쓰임이 될 것 같습니다.
When: Registration opens July 25, 2005 at 9:00 AM EDT
Where: http://www.google.com/codejam05
What: Solve increasingly difficult algorithmic problems within a set time period
Who: Sponsored by Google, Powered by TopCoder
What’s in it for you?
1st place finisher - Tournament Champion | $ 10,000
2nd - 10th place | $ 5,000
11th - 25th place | $ 2,500
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